Firebaugh FAQs

I want to apply but do not know precisely what research is and neither what methods of implementation I will be using. What are some resources I may turn to, to receive any support/guidance when applying?

  • No research experience is required! The Firebaugh Scholars program will allow you to further engage and learn more about research, as we support all scholars with the development of crafting a research question, defining what research is, and provide you with the support needed as you develop a relationship with your faculty advisor!

Is this research program open to all majors and fields?

  • Yes! All majors are welcome to apply and should apply!

Does your faculty advisor have to be a Professor or can they be a lecturer/ Teacher assistant?

  • Faculty advisors can be faculty who are tenure track and have experience with conducting research. That is Assistant professors, associate professors, and full-time faculty are eligible.

If I do not have an idea of who will be my faculty advisor at the time of my application, when should I have my advisor by?

  • All Firebaugh Scholars should have a faculty advisor secure when applying for the Firebaugh Scholars program!

If I have not established a connection with a professor in the prospective field that I hope to research, what should I do?

  • Start connecting with faculty now! Whether that’s attending office hours or setting a 1:1 meeting with them in order to build rapport regarding your research interests.

How much commitment should our advisors be expected to put into our projects?

  • Ideally, we'd like for all students and their faculty advisors to connect between 3-5 hours a month for consistency, especially as scholars prepare to present their findings at our Spring Research Symposium.

Aside from the guidance of a faculty advisor, will scholars be receiving additional support?

  • Firebaugh scholars will receive additional support from current graduate tutors, such as providing feedback on their research proposal and support with crafting research questions.
  • We also prepare scholars to apply to graduate school and post-baccalaureate opportunities in hopes of continuing to diversify the faculty and researchers at colleges and universities across the United States.

Is there any funding available for any student's projects?

  • Yes! Firebaugh scholars receive funding and academic support to design and complete their independent faculty-sponsored research project over the course of one academic year.

What does the timeline look like for the research program?

  • Fall semester Firebaugh scholars are introduced to research & Graduate Application Support.
  • In the spring we focus on academic writing and presentation support and scholars present their findings at our annual Firebaugh Research Symposium.

What is expected from students by the end of the program?

  • By the end of the program students are expected to complete their research and submit for publication across all Berkeley research journals