
Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship

Deadline: May 1, 2024

In 1988 the University received a bequest from the late Mr. Karam Singh Maughan to establish an endowment to support graduate fellowships (named for Guru Gobind Singh, the Sikh religious leader) to be  awarded to graduates of universities in a specific area of India and Pakistan for the purpose of pursuing graduate study at the University of California. 

To be eligible, a student must:
1) be a graduate of an Indian or Pakistani university in the designated area(qualifying map here)
2) be committed to returning to her or his country of origin shortly after receiving the degree, and
3) not have engaged previously in graduate study at any other institution of higher learning in the United States.

4) Students at any stage of graduate study may be nominated, provided that the student's department will commit to providing a Nonresident Tuition Fellowship, if applicable, for the Singh Fellow, as needed, for the duration of the Fellow’s program (assuming continued satisfactory academic progress) commencing with the year following the Singh award year.

Preference is given to students who have reached the dissertation stage, and especially to those who have exhausted the normal sources of  financial support.  Students already holding the master’s degree will have preference.

The amount of the Singh Fellowship award is $30,000. The award will be made based on the strength of the student’s academic record and supporting documents; these should include up to three letters of reference (one from the student’s faculty sponsor), university transcripts, and any other documents that may serve to support the candidacy. 

Applications must indicate the current status of the student, advanced to candidacy or not, and planned completion date. In addition, applications must include a statement of how the student  proposes to use her/his graduate education in their home country. 

To start a new application or log into your current application, please use the following link. You will be asked to authenticate with your CalNet ID.
Application Login

1 Map has general boundaries. Specific coordinates begin at 25 degrees N, 77 degrees E, then northeasterly to 36 degrees N, 80  E, then northwesterly to 37 degrees N, 72 degrees E, then southwesterly to 27 degrees N, 68 degrees E, then southeasterly to the point of  beginning.