Connect with an Abbey MRED+D Alum or Student One of the best ways to learn more about the Abbey MRED+D experience is from our alum and student community. Please fill out the below form to be connected to an alum or student whose background is relevant to you. Email AddressFirst NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Mailing AddressMailing AddressCountryCityRegionGender Identity (if you wish to be matched with someone of the same gender identity):Gender Identity (if you wish to be matched with someone of the same gender identity):FemaleMaleNonbinaryPrefer not to sayWould you like to be connected to an alum (already completed the program) or a current student (in Term 2 of 3)?Would you like to be connected to an alum (already completed the program) or a current student (in Term 2 of 3)?AlumStudentAre you interested in the part-time (2-year) program or full-time (1-year) program?Are you interested in the part-time (2-year) program or full-time (1-year) program?Full-Time (1-year)Part-Time (2-year)What is your current position (job and employer)?Please indicate which of these best describes your background:ArchitectureAsset ManagementConstructionCommercial BrokerageCorporate FinanceEngineeringLandscape ArchitectureMarket ResearchReal Estate DevelopmentReal Estate FinanceUrban PlanningOtherWhat role do you see yourself in post-program (examples: developer/product type, finance, consulting, etc.)?Which of the following are you most excited to discuss?Which of the following are you most excited to discuss?MRED+D CurriculumElectivesStudent CommunityCareer ServicesMoving to BerkeleyAdjusting to the U.S.ExtracurricularsApplication AdviceBalancing MRED+D with a FamilyAnything else we should keep in mind when matching you? (eg: someone who pivoted careers? did a competition?)StatusApplicantInquiryProspectProgram of InterestAfrican American Studies PhDAgricultural and Resource Economics PhDAncient History and Mediterranean Archaeology PhDAnthropology 5th-Year MA (For UCB students only)Anthropology PhDApplied Mathematics PhDApplied Science and Technology PhDArchitecture & City Planning MArch/MCPArchitecture & Civil Engineering MArch/MSArchitecture MArchArchitecture MSArchitecture PhDArt Practice MFAAsian Studies MAAstrophysics PhDBioengineering (joint UCSF) JtPhDBioengineering MEngBiophysics PhDBiostatistics MABiostatistics MA/PhDBiostatistics PhDBuddhist Studies PhDBusiness Administration PhDChemical and Biomolecular Engineering MSChemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhDChemical and Biomolecular Engineering Prof MSChemistry PhDChinese Language PhDCity and Regional Planning PhDCity Planning & Civil and Env Eng MCP/Prof MSCity Planning & Public Health MCP/MPHCivil & Environmental Engineering MEngCivil & Environmental Engineering PhDCivil & Environmental Engineering Prof MSClassical Archaeology PhDClassics PhDComparative Biochemistry PhDComparative Literature PhDComputational Biology PhDComputational Precision Health (joint UCSF) JtPhDDemography MADemography PhDDesign MDesDevelopment Engineering MDevEngDevelopment Practice MDPEarth and Planetary Science 5th-Year MA (For UCB students only)Earth and Planetary Science PhDEast Asian Languages and Cultures PhDEconomics MA (UCB Graduate Students only)Economics PhDEducation Cred/PhDEducation EdDEducation MAEducation PhDEducation-Admin Services Credential Cred/MAEducation-Special Education (joint SFSU) JtPhDEducation-Teaching Credential/MAEECS - Computer Science MSEECS - Computer Science MS/PhDEECS - Computer Science PhDEECS - Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 5th-Year MS (For UCB students only)EECS - Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences MEngEECS - Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences MSEECS - Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences MS/PhDEECS - Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences PhDEndocrinology MAEndocrinology PhDEnergy and Resources MAEnergy and Resources MSEnergy and Resources PhDEnglish PhDEnvironmental Health Sciences & Journalism MPH/MJEnvironmental Health Sciences MSEnvironmental Health Sciences MS/PhDEnvironmental Health Sciences PhDEnvironmental Science Policy & Management PhDEpidemiology and Biostatistics & Journalism MPH/MJEpidemiology MSEpidemiology PhDEthnic Studies PhDFilm and Media PhDFolklore MAForestry 5th-Year MF (For UCB students only)Forestry MFFrench PhDGeography PhDGerman PhDGlobal Health and Environment& Journalism MPH/MJGlobal Studies MAHealth and Medical Sciences (joint UCSF) MS (Dept pre-approval to apply)Health and Social Behavior & Journalism MPH/MJHealth Policy and Management & Journalism MPH/MJHealth Policy PhDHispanic Languages and Literatures PhDHistory of Art PhDHistory PhDIndustrial Engineering & Operations Research 5th-Year MS (For UCB students only)Industrial Engineering & Operations Research MEngIndustrial Engineering & Operations Research MSIndustrial Engineering & Operations Research PhDInfectious Diseases and Immunity PhDInformation & Data Science 5th-Year MIDS (For UCB students only)Information Management and Systems MIMSInformation Science PhDIntegrative Biology PhDItalian Studies PhDJapanese Language PhDJournalism & Asian Studies MJ/MAJournalism MJJurisprudence & Social Policy PhDLandscape Architecture & Architecture MLA/MArchLandscape Architecture & City Planning MLA/MCPLandscape Architecture and Envir. Planning PhDLandscape Architecture MLALinguistics PhDLogic and the Methodology of Science PhDMaster of Advanced Architectural Design MAADMaster of Advanced Study in Engineering MAS-EMaster of Analytics MAnlytxMaster of Bioprocess Engineering MBEMaster of Biotechnology MBTMaster of City Planning & Environmental Health Sciences MCP/MPHMaster of City Planning & Epidemiology and Biostatistics MCP/MPHMaster of City Planning & Global Health and Environment MCP/MPHMaster of City Planning & Health and Social Behavior MCP/MPHMaster of City Planning & Health Policy and Management MCP/MPHMaster of City Planning MCPMaster of Climate Solutions MCSMaster of Computational Social Science MACSSMaster of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics MNSDMaterials Science & Engineering 5th-Year MS (For UCB students only)Materials Science & Engineering MEngMaterials Science & Engineering MSMaterials Science & Engineering MS/PhDMaterials Science & Engineering PhDMathematics MA (UCB Grad students only)Mathematics PhDMechanical Engineering 5th-Year MS (For UCB students only)Mechanical Engineering MEngMechanical Engineering MS/PhDMechanical Engineering PhDMedical Anthropology (joint UCSF) JtPhDMetabolic Biology MSMetabolic Biology PhDMicrobiology PhDMiddle Eastern Languages and Cultures PhDMolecular & Cell Biology PhDMolecular Science & Software Engineering MSSEMolecular Toxicology PhDMusic PhDNeuroscience PhDNuclear Engineering MEngNuclear Engineering PhDOptometry (Residency) Cert-OptOptometry ODPerformance Studies PhDPhilosophy PhDPhysics PhDPlant Biology PhDPolitical Science PhDPsychology PhDPublic Affairs MPAPublic Health & Journalism MPH/MJPublic Health DrPHPublic Health MPHPublic Health MPH-Environmental Health SciencesPublic Health MPH-Epidemiology (11-month)Public Health MPH-Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2-year)Public Health MPH-Epidemiology and Biostatistics (4+1)Public Health MPH-Food, Nutrition and Population HealthPublic Health MPH-Food, Nutrition and Population Health (4+1)Public Health MPH-Global Health and Environment (2-year)Public Health MPH-Health and Social Behavior (2-year)Public Health MPH-Health Policy and ManagementPublic Health MPH-Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology (2-year)Public Health MPH-Interdisciplinary (11-month)Public Health MPH-Maternal, Child and AdolescentPublic Health MPH-Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (4+1)Public Health-Online MPHPublic Policy & Civil and Environmental Engineering MPP/MSPublic Policy & Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences MPP/MSPublic Policy & Energy and Resources MPP/MAPublic Policy & Energy and Resources MPP/MSPublic Policy & Health Policy and Management MPP/MPHPublic Policy & Mechanical Engineering MPP/MSPublic Policy & Nuclear Engineering MPP/MSPublic Policy & Public Health MPP/MPHPublic Policy MPPPublic Policy PhDRangeland and Wildlife Management MSReal Estate Development & Design MREDDRhetoric PhDRomance Languages & Literatures PhDScandinavian Languages & Literatures PhDScience & Mathematics Education PhDSlavic Languages & Literatures PhDSocial Welfare & Food, Nutrition and Population Health MSW/MPHSocial Welfare & Health and Social Behavior MSW/MPHSocial Welfare & Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health MSW/MPHSocial Welfare & Public Health MSW/MPHSocial Welfare & Public Policy MSW/MPPSocial Welfare MSWSocial Welfare MSW/PhDSocial Welfare PhDSociology PhDSociology-Demography PhDSouth & Southeast Asian Studies MASouth & Southeast Asian Studies PhDStatistics 5th-Year MA (For UCB students only)Statistics MAStatistics PhDTranslational Medicine (joint UCSF) MTMUrban Design MUDVision Science PhDBerkeley MBA for ExecutivesInformation and Data Science MIDSBusiness Administration MBABusiness Administration & Health Policy and Management MBA/MPHBusiness Administration & Civil Environmental Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & Bioengineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & EECS Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & IEOR Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & Mechanical Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & Nuclear Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & Material Science Engineering MBA/MEngBusiness Administration & Climate Solutions MBA/MCSEvening & Weekend MBAFinancial Engineering MFEFinancial Engineering MFE 2-Year (Part-Time)Information and Cybersecurity MICSSourceCal DayCal Diversity ForumCSU Bakersfield FairCSUEB FairCSUN FairDigital AdvertisementDirect EblastEventFlyersGrace HopperGreat Mindsi3_scholarInquiry FormISchool_20210311_InquiriesISchool_20230918_InquiriesISchool_2U_digital_marketingISchool_5YMIDS_OpenHouseISchool_advantage_marketingISchool_advantage_marketing_diversityISchool_advising_appointmentISchool_allprogramsflyer_inquiriesISchool_applicationISchool_BayAreaGPS20_inquiriesISchool_CalapaloozaISchool_class_visitISchool_connect_with_a_studentISchool_CornellVirtualGraduateandProfessionalSchoolDay_inquiriesISchool_FacebookISchool_GoogleISchool_GRE list_CAISchool_GRE list_URMISchool_in-person_eventISchool_MIMS_Visit_DayISchool_office_hoursISchool_queueISchool_recordingISchool_SummerOpportunities2020ISchool_SyracuseVirtualGraduate&LawSchoolInformationFair_inquiriesISchool_Tell_a_FriendISchool_UG_advisorISchool_UG_club_outreachISchool_UGoutreachISchool_webISchool_webinarJSchool_Info_SessionJSchool_InquiryJSchool_online_eventjschool_open_houseMEng Diversity Fair SessionMEng In-PersonMEng VirtualNSBEOOMPH_Berkeley Public Health websiteOOMPH_EventOOMPH_FacebookOOMPH_GoogleOOMPH_InstagramOOMPH_LinkedInOOMPH_OtherOOMPH_TwitterOOMPH_Web AdSHPESociety of Women EngineersSPH_DREAMSPH_Grad_fairSPH_outreach_campusvisitSPH_Powerhouse_FairSPH_TIPH_fairSPH_webTapiaTech InclusionUC Davis Grad FairUC Irvine Grad FairUC-HBCUUCB DCNF FairUCB Grad Diversity FairUCB Grad FairUCB ML/DS FairUCCS FairUCLA Grad FairUCSD FairUSC Grad FairSubmit